
Sent a photo of the flag of Ukraine to parents' chat: a woman in Crimea was fined for "discrediting" the Russian army

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The occupation Leninsky District Court of Crimea fined a woman for discrediting the Russian army. The court fined her 50 thousand rubles

The Occupation Leninsky District Court of Crimea fined a woman for discrediting the Russian army, reports UNN with reference to Crimea.Realities.


"30-a summer resident of the village of Vinogradnoye sent a photo of the flag of Ukraine and a signature with obscene language addressed to the state of the Russian Federation to the parent chat. This was seen by 19 chat participants, " the message reads.

In court, the woman allegedly pleaded guilty. The court fined her 50 thousand rubles.

We add

The norm on "discrediting the Russian army" in Russian legislation appeared on March 4, 2022, almost in the first days of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The process of prosecution for discrediting the Russian army in Crimea does not stop. At the same time, the Russian authorities in Crimea stimulate the atmosphere of denunciations.

Antonina Tumanova



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