
Hostile shelling kills 3 people, damages high-rise buildings and elevator in Kherson region

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Russian troops shelled residential areas in Kherson region, killing 3 people and damaging buildings and a car.

Russian troops shelled residential areas in Kherson region yesterday, killing 3 people and damaging buildings and a car, the head of the Kherson regional military administration Oleksandr Prokudin said on Tuesday, UNN reports.


According to Prokudin, the enemy fired at Poniativka, Sadove, Lvov, Tyahyntsi, Novotyahyntsi, Mykilske, Tokarivka, Tomyna Balka and the city of Kherson over the past day.

"Russian troops shot at residential areas of the region's settlements, damaging 2 high-rise buildings, an elevator and a car. Three people were killed as a result of Russian aggression," Prokudin said on social media.

На Херсонщині чоловіки знайшли на подвір'ї FPV-дрон, та намагались його розібрати, усі загинули18.03.24, 21:08

Julia Shramko



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