
Hong Kong passes law on life imprisonment for sedition, treason and espionage

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Hong Kong's parliament has unanimously passed a new law penalizing up to life imprisonment for "outside interference," incitement, treason and espionage that could be used to fight the idea of Hong Kong's independence.

Hong Kong's Parliament unanimously passed a new law providing for penalties up to life imprisonment for "external interference", rebellion, treason and espionage, the articles of which are described vaguely and can be used to combat the idea of independence of the city. This is written by the BBC, reports UNN.


Hong Kong's parliament, made up of members loyal to China, passed a new law punishing "foreign interference," sedition, treason and espionage with up to life imprisonment. However, the new penalties of criminal articles are very vague.

The law, known as "Article 23"passed through parliament in less than two weeks. According to Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee, the new law was needed to protect against "potential sabotage and undercurrents trying to sow confusion," and especially against "ideas about Hong Kong's independence.

Ding Xuexiang, Vice Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, said the early passage of the new legislation will protect core national interests and allow Hong Kong to focus on economic development.


Beijing issued a national security law for Hong Kong in 2020, which allowed authorities to neutralize a strong protest movement in the city. Dozens of people have been arrested in Hong Kong since the issuance of this law.

Коммунистическая партия Китая могла отслеживать протестующих в Гонконге с помощью TikTok07.06.2023, 17:12 • [views_666420]

Anastasia Ryabokon

News of the World