
Greenpeace criticizes tech giants' suppliers for insufficient efforts to reduce emissions

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Carbon dioxide emissions from electronics manufacturing continue to grow, and the supply chains for components remain environmentally dirty.

Environmentalists see no progress in efforts to decarbonize the production of electronic devices by component suppliers of tech giants such as Samsung or Apple. This is stated in a new report by Greenpeace, UNN reports .

Electronics manufacturers recognize the need for climate electronics manufacturers recognize the need for climate action, but progress is uneven and too slow. Unfortunately, in 2022, the emissions of the five largest electronics manufacturers, including Samsung Electronics, Foxconn, and Intel, increased in 2012. Tech companies brag a lot about going green, but when you look at the bigger picture, you will see that their supply chains supply chains are extremely dirty

said climate and energy campaigner Xueying Wu.


In a report, Greenpeace  assessed the decarbonization efforts of the 11 largest suppliers of of the world's leading consumer electronics brands, and concluded that in emissions in the technology supply chain have increased dramatically in recent years. It is noted that major electronics brands, especially Samsung Electronics or Apple, have not taken have not taken sufficient measures to reduce emissions.

According to Greenpeace, more than 70% of the global electronics sector is associated with suppliers, including semiconductor and and display manufacturers. Although these companies have increased the use of renewable energy sources, progress in addressing their climate impact remains inconsistent with the goals of of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

SEE ALSO: The world is passing a key warming threshold at such a speed that has alarmed scientists - BBC

Greenpeace predicts that by 2030, the semiconductor industry alone will emit 86 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year. This is more than double the annual the annual carbon emissions of Portugal, the report says.

It also noted that most suppliers to the electronics industry have set long-term carbon reduction targets, but the timeframe does not reflect the level of ambition needed to prevent climate change.


Google is working with suppliers to reduce emissions and suppliers to reduce emissions and encourages them to make a full transition to clean energy, the company reported. Apple urged suppliers to to use 100% renewable electricity by 2030.

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Anastasia Ryabokon



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