
Government approves the Strategy for the Formation of the National Identity of Ukrainians

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The Ukrainian government has approved a strategy to build a strong civil society by promoting the development of Ukrainian national and civic identity, as reported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The government approved the Strategy for the Ukrainian national and civic identity, which should become the foundation for the formation of a strong civil society. This was was reported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, according to UNN.

The existence and prosperity of the Ukrainian state is impossible without a general awareness of citizens of their national and civic identity, which originates from identifying themselves with the Ukrainian people

- says the head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Matviy Bidnyi.


To form and strengthen Ukrainian national and civic identity among Ukrainians throughout the and civic identity among Ukrainians around the world, it is planned to to use methods of national-patriotic, military-patriotic education and civic education. They will be based on the national values of Ukraine.

To recap

Last year, Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed Law No. 6341 on the basic principles of state policy in the field of strengthening Ukrainian national and civic identity.

SEE ALSO: Security measures to return spectators to stadiums have already been developed - Ministry of Youth and Sports

Anna Onishchenko



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