
Freon was illegally imported to Ukraine under the guise of humanitarian aid

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Ukrainian customs officers have exposed a group that, using the leadership of a charity organization, illegally imported freon gas worth more than UAH 14 million as humanitarian aid, thus avoiding customs duties. The director of a charity organization was previously brought to criminal responsibility for illegal use of humanitarian aid.

Volyn customs officers together with beb detectives exposed the illegal import of commercial goods from abroad under the guise of humanitarian aid. About this is reported by the state Customs Service service Ukraine, writes UNN.

Using the details of a charitable organization, a group of individuals imported freon gas worth more than UAH 14 million to the territory of Ukraine for further sale. The goods were declared as humanitarian aid and thus evaded paying customs duties,

- the message says.


law enforcement officers established that the director of the mentioned charity organization she has previously been brought to criminal responsibility for illegal use of humanitarian aid for profit.

The full circle of persons involved in illegal activities is now being established.

Read also: in Ukraine the scheme of supply of ceramics to the annexed Crimea was exposed


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