
Explosions in occupied Tokmak: Fedorov showed the consequences of "cotton" in the occupiers' city hall

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This afternoon, several explosions rang out in Russian-occupied Tokmak, as a result of which the city hall of the occupiers was damaged.

Today, on December 21, several explosions occurred in the temporarily occupied Tokmak. According to Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov, the explosions took place in the occupied city hall, UNN reports .


According to him, the consequences of the arrival in the temporarily occupied city were shown by the invaders themselves, not forgetting to clarify that "civilian infrastructure was damaged." 

The cotton season on the TOT continues, so the occupiers and collaborators should think about where it is better to sit - in the administration close to arrivals or farther away - in prison

- emphasized Fedorov.

He also showed the consequences of the explosions near the occupation authorities' city hall.


A few hours earlier , UNN reported loud explosions in occupied Tokmak. According to Fedorov, the sounds of the explosions were heard throughout the city.


Earlier, in the temporarily occupied Mariupol , guerrillas blew up a carcarrying a Russian military officer of a Caucasian unit.

В окупованому Мелітополі українські партизани підірвали потяг, яким росіяни возили боєприпаси з Криму15.12.23, 12:16

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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