
Equal legal force: a military registration document in electronic form is equivalent to a paper document

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The Ministry of Defense has clarified that an electronic military registration document in a phone application is equivalent to a paper document. Employers can use electronic documents to create reservation lists.

The Directorate of Digital Transformation in Defense of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine explained that a military registration document in a mobile phone application is equivalent to a document in paper form, UNN reports .


Electronic and paper military registration documents have the same legal force. A person's possession of a military registration document in electronic form, in particular, in the relevant mobile phone application, or in the form of a printed military registration document with a QR code, is equivalent to a military registration document in paper form, as they all have the same legal force, according to the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine .

Employees of the TCC and JV, the National Police, and the State Border Guard Service should read this document electronically.

Кількість тих, хто оновив свої військово-облікові дані, значно перевищує потреби війська – Міноборони26.07.24, 10:34

Employers may also use employees' military registration documents in electronic form when compiling lists of persons liable for military service that are offered for booking for the period of mobilization and wartime.

For this purpose, a person liable for military service may provide the employer with his or her military registration document in both paper and electronic form (including a printed copy).

На порталі "Дія" з'явилася можливість отримати військово-обліковий документ із QR-кодом 30.07.24, 13:55


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