
Due to the possible renaming of Brovary to Brovari, some doctors may be left without salaries - a city council member explained why

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If the deputies vote to change the name of the city of Brovary, this will create additional difficulties for the heads of some municipal institutions and non-profit enterprises. Some healthcare workers may even be left without a salary. This was stated by Ihor Kravtsov, a deputy of the Brovary City Council, director of the municipal non-profit enterprise "Brovary City Center for Primary Health Care" in a commentary to UNN.

According to him, if Brovary is renamed Brovari, the institution he heads will have to redesign its seals and sign a new contract with the National Health Service of Ukraine

"I'll tell you from the perspective of a manager. I have nine outpatient clinics and a consultation and diagnostic center. As a manager, I need to find a certain amount of money to redo all the seals, because it's not free. Secondly, I need to change the signs everywhere that says Brovary.

And I still need to apply for a change in the license conditions of the Ministry of Health. How long will it take? I mean, I have been working without a license for a certain period of time. And the contract with the NHSU? I have to terminate the contract with them for the package I have and renew it in Brovari. That is, I will be left without funding for a certain period of time. Did they (the initiators of the renaming - ed.) take this into account? That is, every month I will not have 6.5 million to pay doctors, and they will be without it for two months," Kravtsov said.

In this case, the director of the utility company said, he would have to ask the city authorities for help. But if there is no money in the budget at that time, he will have to give explanations to the prosecutor's office.

"I will go to the mayor and ask him to help, and he will help. What if there is no money in the budget for this at that time? And my contract clearly states that the advance payment ends on the 15th, and the salary on the 30th. That is, on the first of the month, any medical worker writes a statement to the prosecutor's office against me for non-payment of wages. And then I sit in the prosecutor's office and explain. And the prosecutors say: we are not interested in Brovary or Brovary.

I have told you my position as a manager. No one takes into account the opinion of managers who will face big problems," summarized Igor Kravtsov.

"А де вони відкопали, що Броварі?": що мешканці Броварів думають про ініціативу перейменування міста (відео)01.07.24, 14:36


Brovary City Council deputy Mykola Zinchenko stated that the registration of a resolution in the Verkhovna Rada to rename Brovary to Brovari is not decommunization, but populism on the part of individual politicians to satisfy their dubious ambitions.


A group of MPs led by Roman Lozynsky of the Golos faction registered a resolution in the Verkhovna Rada to rename Brovary to Brovari.

Local residents, with whom UNN spoke, do not support this idea. In particular, they do not understand where the name "Brovari" actually came from, which, moreover, does not sound very nice.

Brovary residents also say that MPs simply have nothing to do. And such controversial decisions are definitely not the right time. In addition, renaming the city will entail additional financial costs.

"Говори, не говори – краще місто Бровари": Олег Лісогор про ініціативу нардепів перейменувати його рідне місто04.07.24, 08:43

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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