
Demchenko: 500 trucks are waiting in queues at the unblocked Krakivets checkpoint

 • 25617 переглядiв

There are 500 trucks in line at the Korczowa-Krakovets checkpoint. Polish farmers plan to resume blocking truck traffic on March 13.

There are 500 trucks at the unblocked Korchova-Krakivets checkpoint. On March 13, Polish farmers plan to resume blocking truck traffic in this direction. This was reported to UNN by the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko.

The queue in this direction (Korchova-Krakivets checkpoint - ed.) is about 500 trucks as of this morning. According to the available information from the Polish side, Polish protesting farmers plan to resume blocking this checkpoint on March 13 

- Demchenko said.


On the night of March 8-9, the protesters decided to temporarily stop blocking the Krakivets checkpoint.

Currently, Polish farmers continue to block truck traffic at five checkpoints. The protesters did not allow trucks to move towards Poland at all in the direction of the Shehyni, Yahodyn, Uhryniv, and Ustyluh checkpoints. In total, there are 1500 trucks in queues in Poland.


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