
Day of dignity and freedom: we honor the memory of the heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, participants of two Ukrainian revolutions of our time

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Today, on November 21, Ukraine celebrates the day of dignity and freedom. The event is dedicated to the beginning of the Orange Revolution and the revolution of dignity

Today, November 21, Ukraine celebrates the day of dignity and freedom. The event was established by presidential decree in 2014 in honor of the beginning The Orange Revolution and the revolution of dignity, writes UNN.

protest against fraud and the third round

21 the second round of presidential elections was held in November 2004 elections. Wonchi Central Election Commission declares  the winner victor yanukovych. In protest against mass fraud since the morning of November 22 on the People from all over Ukraine began to gather on Independence Square.

The Orange Revolution was peaceful in nature. Confrontation with the security forces and bloodshed were then avoided.

On the third of December, the Supreme Court recognized the election results invalid and decided to hold a second vote.

On December 26, the so-called third round was held, in which Viktor Yushchenko won.

In 2005, November 22 was declared Freedom Day. Holiday in 2011, yanukovych was abolished after his victory in the presidential election.

Euromaidan, student crackdown, Revolution

21 November 2013, the government which was then headed by mykola azarov decided to suspend the process of preparing for the signing of the agreement on association between the European Union and Ukraine.

A spontaneous Euromaidan broke out in the center of Kiev. Supporters European integration of Ukraine has begun to hold its own peaceful actions in many localities points of Ukraine.

On November 29, yanukovych in Vilnius  never signed the agreement on the association. On the night of November 30, law enforcement officers forcibly, with the use of special equipment dispersed students on Independence Square. This led to increased protests in the center of the capital.

The first phase of the revolution of dignity was relatively peaceful, although on December 11 there was an attempt to push back the protesters from the Maidan Independence.

On January 16, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the so-called dictatorial laws. In the center of Kiev, there were clashes between protesters with law enforcement officers and "titushki".

On January 22, protesters were killed by sniper bullets Sergey Nigoyan and Mikhail Zhiznevsky. A year later, law enforcement officers reported that the first victim on the Maidan was Yuri Verbitsky.

yanukovych and opposition leaders periodically held negotiations, dictatorial laws were repealed, protest participants an amnesty was proposed.

On the evening of February 18, the security forces again stormed, which became the beginning of the bloodiest phase of the revolution of dignity.

Read also: Maidan cases: five Berkut soldiers who people were shot on Instytutskaya street, they will appear in court

The fiercest street fights took place in the center of Kiev on 20 February. Yanukovych, with the mediation of European ministers, agreed that security forces are moving to places of permanent deployment, protesters for 24 years weapons are being handed over, and early presidential elections are being called.

However, people on the Maidan opposed such events agreements.   yanukovych fled to Kharkiv, and we go to Russia. Most of his entourage also fled there.

The Heavenly Hundred is a symbol of the defiance of the Ukrainian people

Directly during fierce battles with the security forces, from more than 100 activists were injured and died under mysterious circumstances. protesters. The identities of several of the victims were never established.

All those who died during the revolution of dignity were named Heavenly a hundred.


The state Bureau of Investigation stated that the Maidan case has 1.8 thousand volumes, and in fact, this case is about the Russian Federation.

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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