
Congress must step up and act without further delay: Biden reacts to Russia's large-scale attack on Ukraine

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Biden condemned Russia's largest air strike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war, calling on Congress to immediately provide further military aid.

US President Joe Biden reacted to Russia's large-scale air attack on Ukraine and stressed that Congress should step up and act without further delay, UNN reports citing a statement released by the White House.


Biden noted that during the night, Russia carried out the largest air attack on Ukraine since the beginning of this war.

"This massive bombardment has used drones and missiles, including hypersonic missiles, to strike cities and civilian infrastructure across Ukraine. The strikes have reportedly killed innocent people and injured dozens. This is a vivid reminder to the world that after almost two years of this devastating war, Putin's goal remains the same. He seeks to destroy Ukraine and subjugate its people. He must be stopped," the U.S. President said.

In addition, Biden noted that in the face of this brutal attack, Ukraine deployed the air defense systems that the United States, our allies and partners have delivered to Ukraine over the past year to successfully intercept and destroy many missiles and drones.

The American people can be proud of the lives we have helped save and the support we have provided Ukraine as it defends its people, its freedom, and its independence. But unless Congress takes urgent action in the new year, we will not be able to continue to send the weapons and vital air defense systems Ukraine needs to protect its people. Congress must step up and act without further delay 

- the US President emphasized.


Biden also emphasized that the stakes of this struggle go far beyond Ukraine. They affect the entire NATO Alliance, the security of Europe, and the future of transatlantic relations.

"Putin has not just tried to destroy Ukraine; he has also threatened some of our NATO allies. When dictators and autocrats are allowed to act brutally in Europe, the risk of the United States being drawn directly into it increases. And the repercussions reverberate around the world. That's why the United States has rallied a coalition of more than 50 countries to support Ukraine's defense. We cannot fail our allies and partners. We cannot fail Ukraine. History will judge harshly those who do not answer the call of freedom," the US President summarized.

"Кинджали", "Калібри", "шахеди", С-300: Ігнат розповів, які типи ракет випустила рф по Україні29.12.23, 09:20

Antonina Tumanova



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