
Cloudy weather with clearings, sometimes ice on the roads: weather forecast in Ukraine for December 4

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On December 4, Ukraine is expected to have cloudy weather with clearings, without significant precipitation, except for light rain and sleet in Crimea and Azov, as well as light snow in Transcarpathia. In some regions, there will be ice on the roads.

On Monday, December 4, cloudy weather with with clearings, without significant precipitation. This was reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, UNN reports.

Cloudy with clearings. No significant precipitation, only in the Crimea and Azov region light rain and sleet, in the afternoon in Transcarpathia light snow. In the western and and northern regions, there will be ice on the roads in some places

- the Ukrhydrometcenter.


It is noted that westerly, northwesterly winds are expected throughout the country, 7-12 m/s winds are expected throughout the country. The temperature in the western and northern regions will be 5-10° at night, 1-6° below zero during the day; in the rest of the country below zero at night, 1-6° below zero during the day; in the rest of the country - 0-5° below zero at night, 1° below zero to 4° above zero during the day


On December 4, due to the arrival of a flood wave of snow and rain floods, in the middle and lower reaches of the rivers Strvyazh (the village of Luky), Stryi (the V.Syniovydne - Stryi), Svichya (Zarichne village) and on the Dniester (section Rozdol - Zhuravno) within Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions water levels are expected to rise by 0.7-1.5 meters above current levels.

Also, on December 4, on the Dniester river section Halych - Zalishchyky, the following is expected the arrival of a wave of snow and rain floods with an increase in water levels by 1.2 - 1.7 м.

In addition, on Monday, on the rivers of Kharkiv region (rivers of the Siverskyi Donets sub-basin) and in the upper reaches of the Oril River (Lower Dnipro sub-basin) water levels are expected to rise by 0.2-0.4 m, in some places by 0.5 m.

As a reminder

As a result of severe weather conditions in Lviv region, 395 settlements settlements were left without electricity supply. To restore power supply "Lvivoblenergo engaged 507 specialists and 177 units of equipment.

Lilia Podolyak



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