
Businessman who tried to bribe the commander of the Odesa special military unit was served a notice of suspicion

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The man was served a notice of suspicion of attempting to bribe the commander of a military unit in Odesa region for UAH 200 thousand. He was exposed while transferring the bribe through an intermediary. The investigation is ongoing

In In Odesa region, a man who tried to bribe the commander of the Odesa Regional Military Unit was served suspicion. This was reported by the press services of the SAPO and NABU, UNN reports.

On November 20, 2023, under the procedural guidance of of the SAPO prosecutors, NABU detectives served a notice of suspicion to a citizen who who had been exposed the day before for providing UAH 200 thousand of illegal benefit to the commander of the of the Odesa Specialized Military Unit. 

SAPO Press Service


The actions of the person are qualified under Part 3 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine - offering and giving an undue advantage to an official for performing actions in the interests of the person who offers and provides such benefit by prior conspiracy by a group of persons.

The issue of applying a measure of restraint to the suspect is being decided. a preventive measure against the suspect.

Investigative actions are ongoing.

As a reminder

The head of a private company tried to give a bribe of UAH 200 thousand to the commander of the Odesa special police unit  through an intermediary. According to law enforcement, the businessman wanted to get a special order to allow fishing in the border area.

The crime is being investigated by NABU detectives together with the SBU Department of Military Counterintelligence under the procedural under the procedural guidance of SAPO prosecutors.

The criminal proceedings were initiated on the basis of a statement by of the commander of the Odesa Special Forces, who further contributed to the exposure and investigation of the crime.

Tatiana Salganik

Crimes and emergencies


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