
British intelligence: Russia will have more than half a million killed and wounded by 2025 at current rate of losses

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British intelligence predicts more than 500,000 Russian casualties by 2025 at the current rate of losses in Ukraine. Average daily losses have increased by almost 300 people a day.

Average daily losses in Ukraine have increased by almost 300 people per day. If the losses continue at the same rate, by 2025 the total number of Russian casualties could reach more than half a million killed and wounded. This is stated in a new report by the UK Ministry of Defense based on intelligence, according to UNN.


British intelligence reports that in 2023, the average daily number of Russian casualties (killed and wounded) in Ukraine increased by almost 300 people per day compared to last year.

"The increase in daily averages reported by the Ukrainian authorities almost certainly reflects the degradation of the Russian forces and its transition to a lower quality and large mass army following the 'partial mobilization' of reservists in September 2022. It is likely to take Russia five to ten years to rebuild a cohort of highly trained and experienced military units," the British intelligence report said.

In addition, if the losses continue at the same rate over the next year, by 2025 Russia will have more than half a million killed and wounded in the three years of war.

"This compares to 70,000 Soviet Union casualties in the nine-year Soviet-Afghan war," the intelligence adds.


The losses of the Russian occupiers since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine have already reached about 358,270 people, 5969 tanks and hundreds of pieces of military equipment.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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