
ATESH warned of a terrorist attack by Russian security services to discredit the resistance movement in Crimea

 • 26387 переглядiв

Russian security services are preparing a false-flag terrorist attack and plan to blame it on the pro-Ukrainian guerrilla movement ATESH, according to warnings from ATESH activists.

Russian security services are preparing another terrorist attack. This is warned by activists of "ATESH", reports UNN.

They are preparing a terrorist attack and will try to blame ATESH for it. This is indicated by a number of indicators and an obvious systemic campaign against our movement.

- the activists stated.


The official Telegram channel of the guerrilla movement noted that representatives of the Russian security services have recently been writing to their coordinators regularly under the guise of local activists. They propose to organize sabotage in places where civilians are crowded together.

We work EXCLUSIVELY against the occupiers. Modern Chekists are ready for any crime. Remember who your enemy is and do not forget that we are fighting for common freedom!

- emphasized to ATESH

Pro-Ukrainian activists claim that the goal of this campaign by rf special agents is simple - to mobilize as many Russians as possible to avenge what they themselves call "Ukrainian terrorist attacks.

Партизаны в Крыму нашли склады минобороны рф в Джанкое, и сдали координаты – "АТЕШ"03.04.2024, 21:47

It is noted that Russian agents have created many fake accounts of "ATESH", falsify dialogs with their coordinators and provoke supporters with "ATESH" to terrorist attacks.

Every effort is being made to discredit the resistance forces in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories!

- activists are outraged.

ATESH also published a list of fake accounts. And emphasized that all of them are almost identical to their previous coordinators, but with an extra "s" at the end:

@atesh_fires - FAKE!

@Materyk_coordinators - Fake!

@Crimeans_coordinator - Fake!

@RF_coordinators - Fake!

@atesh_official - Fake!

@ateshfire_bot - Fake!

@atesh_fire_bot - Fake!

Tatiana Salganik



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