
After elections, Russians want to mobilize up to 300 thousand Ukrainians in occupied territories - journalist

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Russia plans to mobilize up to 300,000 Ukrainian citizens from the occupied territories after the fake elections to strengthen its armed forces.

Russia wants to mobilize up to 300 thousand Ukrainian citizens from the occupied territories. This was reported by journalist Andriy Tsaplienko on Telegram, UNN reports.

According to Andriy Tsapliyenko, after the elections, Russia plans to mobilize up to 300,000 Ukrainian citizens in the occupied territories, according to the journalist, who received this information from the Ukrainian special services, which provided the relevant documents.

Starting from 11.03.2024, the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 124 of 06.03.2023 "On additional conscription of citizens for military service under mobilization" will be applied to the employees of the Military Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation operating in the occupied territory of Kherson region.

The document "For Official Use Only" establishes the procedure for conducting military conscription within the framework of partial mobilization of up to 300,000 "new Russian" citizens by June 1, 2024.

Окупанти планують масову мобілізацію на ТОТ одразу після виборів 05.01.24, 20:45

The document will come into force on March 25, 2024, immediately after the elections.

According to him, this explains why it is beneficial for the occupiers to hold elections in the occupied territory. Thus, people with Russian passports who come to vote automatically become a reserve for the mobilization of Russian military forces.

Окупанти мобілізують робітників Алчевського металургійного заводу в умовах нестачі персоналу -- "АТЕШ"01.02.24, 23:33

Iryna Kolesnik



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