
After a large-scale air strike, russia's : Britain to send Ukraine hundreds of missiles for air defense

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Britain announces urgent delivery of missiles to Ukraine's air defense systems after a massive missile strike by russia.

Following the massive russian shelling of Ukraine on the night of December 29, Britain will provide Kyiv with "hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles" for British air defense systems. This was stated by British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, UNN reports.


According to him, the latest wave of russian strikes in Ukraine is a desperate attempt to restore momentum after the catastrophic loss of hundreds of thousands of conscripts" and on the eve of Putin's humiliation by entering the third year of his "three-day war."

На тлі масштабного удару рф по Україні: у німецькому Бундестазі закликають передати Києву ракети Taurus29.12.23, 18:36

We continue to stand in defense of Ukraine. That's why today we are sending hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles to replenish British air defense systems capable of shooting down russian drones and missiles with incredible accuracy

- said Shapps


The British minister emphasized that Putin is wrong to "hope that he can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat." He also reminded that Ukraine managed to destroy a significant part of the russian Black Sea Fleet.

Today's air defense package sends an unequivocal message against the backdrop of russian barbarism that the UK remains absolutely committed to supporting Ukraine

- the minister added.


International partners are shocked by the scale of russia's latest attack on Ukraine. Western leaders have condemned russia's barbaric actions and reiterated their support for Kyiv.

На тлі наймасованішої атаки рф з повітря МЗС закликало світ обʼєднати зусилля, щоб зупинити російський геноцид українців 29.12.23, 15:25

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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