
"20 Days in Mariupol" victory cut from international TV version of Oscars: what is known

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The Ukrainian documentary 20 Days in Mariupol won the Best Feature Documentary at the Academy Awards, but its victory was cut from a shortened television broadcast organized by The Walt Disney Company.

The Walt Disney Company Limited, which organizes this year's Oscars, cut the Best Feature Documentary nomination, in which the film 20 Days in Mariupol by Ukrainian director Mstislav Chernov won, from the shortened TV version. This was reported by Suspilne, according to UNN.

"The international TV version of the Oscars did not include the victory of 20 Days in Mariupol. The Suspilne Kultura TV channel was scheduled to show a shortened version of the Oscars at 20:30 today, but after receiving materials from the organizers, the team discovered that there was no award for Ukrainian documentaries. At the same time, some other categories are also missing," the statement said.

It is noted that the company expressed its indignation to The Walt Disney Company Limited, which is the organizer of this year's award. Instead of the shortened version, the public broadcaster is broadcasting the full version that was broadcast live on the night of March 10-11.


The Ukrainian film 20 Days in Mariupol won in the Best Feature Documentary category.

Antonina Tumanova



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