
Zelensky: President Putin's illegitimacy could be a turning point

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Zelensky suggests that Western leaders may face a decision to recognize the legitimacy of the upcoming presidential election in Russia. He hints at the possibility of a turning point depending on their reaction

After the presidential elections in Russia, where Vladimir Putin's "victory" is highly probable, the game will be on the side of Western leaders - to recognize the results of the elections in Russia or not. But President Putin's illegitimacy could be a turning point, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in an interview with the Associated Press, according to a UNN correspondent.


"We understand that the elections there (in Russia - ed.) are not democratic. No matter how they are held, everyone knows what the result will be. We realize that there is no opposition in Russia. We do not see these people. We see an opposition that is conditional or artificial, which has the same vision as Putin. They have the same vision of war, of global isolation, of the use of nuclear weapons, of the economy," Zelensky said.

Therefore, according to him, Ukraine understands the results of these "elections".

"Therefore, we understand the results of these elections. The question is to the world. These may be illegitimate elections that the world will not recognize. There have been no such powerful blows to isolate Russia after 2014, despite the occupation of parts of Donbas and Crimea, and now, if Putin goes to the polls, there is probably a high percentage of this, and a very high percentage that he will win this election because he is competing with himself," Zelenskyy said.

The President noted: "Therefore, the game here will be on the side of Western leaders, the civilized world - to recognize the results of the elections in Russia or not."

By the way, the illegitimacy of President Putin may be a turning point, 

Zelensky noted.

Asked if he would call on international leaders to be decisive about the results of the elections in Russia, to call Putin illegitimate if he wins, Zelensky replied: "I would very much like the Western world to understand this on its own, so that I don't have to do it, call, put pressure, talk. It seems to me that the world already understands all this after all the grief that Russia has brought everywhere."


The presidential elections in Russia will be held on March 17, 2024. As reported, the Kremlin is unlikely to announce new waves of mobilization in Russia before the presidential election.

Anna Murashko



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