
We support cultural exchange and feel international support: results of 2023 for Odesa art

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Odesa's cultural institutions continue to function and receive international support, presenting local art abroad and restoring war-damaged facilities.

Even under martial law, the region's cultural and artistic institutions work for the benefit of the people, support cultural exchange, and enjoy international support. Currently, a significant part of the museum collections has been taken abroad to preserve and popularize Ukrainian culture. This is reported by the Odesa Regional State Administration, UNN reports.

In particular, in 2023, the museum collections of the Odesa National Art Museum and the Odesa Museum of Western and Eastern Art were presented in the United States, Lithuania, Germany, and the Netherlands, OBA writes.

"Next year, the implementation of the exhibition project "Odesa beyond the myth. The long history of Odesa's art" is being prepared at the International Cultural Center (Krakow, Poland). Agreements have been reached on the exhibition project of the Odesa Museum of Western and Eastern Art in Bremen (Germany)," the OIA informs.

The military administration stated that this year, like the previous one, was exhausting for the culture and art sector in Odesa region. Thus, during 2022-2023, the enemy damaged 25 cultural institutions: 3 libraries, 9 houses of culture, 6 museums, 2 theaters, and 3 art education institutions. However, thanks to the consolidation of Ukrainians, business, government and international friends, we have already managed to restore 10 cultural facilities, and repair work continues at two facilities, the OVA informs.

The military administration also noted that during the summer of 2023, about 90 cultural heritage sites were also damaged, in particular within the World Heritage Site "Historic Center of Odesa" and its buffer zone.

"The condition of the damaged facilities has been recorded, and the issues of emergency, urgent conservation or repair work for each facility have been worked out," the statement said.

However, in addition to external enemies, the sphere of culture and art also has internal enemies, the OVA writes, adding that this year the military administration has stepped up efforts to bring to justice violators of legislation in the field of cultural heritage protection.

"An example is the destroyed Gavsevych mansion in Shevchenko Park, whose owners have paid a fine and are preparing a project for the full restoration of the monument. The situation is under the control of the regional administration and law enforcement agencies," the statement said.

At the same time, the Odesa regional administration's priority is to attract international technical assistance. This year, cultural and artistic institutions of the region, in cooperation with the NGO Museum for Change, received technical assistance of almost UAH 8 million to ensure the protection and preservation of cultural property.
Thanks to the assistance of the international foundations ALIPH (Switzerland), the Grand Prince, and UNESCO, conservation and emergency repairs were carried out on the cultural heritage sites damaged in July-November 2023, as well as technical inspections of buildings.

"Work is underway to restore the windows of the Odesa Literary Museum thanks to the support of the Charitable Foundation "Mercy. Victor" in the amount of almost UAH 500 thousand.

At the same time, thanks to our partners from Bremen (Germany), it is planned to digitize the cultural heritage of the Odesa region for cultural and artistic institutions. For this purpose, Bremen is ready to provide Odesa region with computer and other equipment worth 57 thousand euros," the statement said.

The OVA also thanked everyone who contributed to the preservation and development of culture and arts in our region.

"Together, we will continue to improve our cultural environment and foster the creativity of our talented artists," the OVA summarized.

Lilia Podolyak



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