
US invites Zelensky to speak at a closed briefing for senators

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President Zelenskiy is invited to a closed-door briefing in the U.S. Senate to discuss further aid to Kyiv. Senators will soon vote to provide additional financial support.

The US authorities invited President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy Zelenskyy to address senators via video link at a closed briefing on Tuesday. They will discuss  the allocation of funds for additional assistance to Kyiv. This was announced on Monday by the leader of the Democratic Chuck Schumer, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, said this on Monday, The Hill reports.

The administration has invited President Zelenskyy to address senators at a closed briefing. So that we can hear directly from him what is at stake in the vote on this issue, 

Schumer said.

Schumer said he expects "all senators at this important briefing". According to him, "in the very near time" The Senate is to vote on the issue of allocating additional funds, including to help Kyiv.

Earlier, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that the US could stop supplying weapons to Ukraine. Without action by the US Congress, the US will run out of resources to provide more weapons and equipment to Kyiv by the end of the year. 

Lilia Podolyak



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