
UN Security Council is not ready to even talk about depriving Russia of all its powers - Kyslytsya

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The UN Security Council is not ready for debate or deprivation of Russia's powers; crisis in UN peacekeeping.

Permanent Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Sergiy Kyslytsya said that the permanent members of the of the UN Security Council are not ready not only to take practical steps to deprive the the Russian Federation of all its powers, but also to start a political political discussion on this topic. He said this in an interview with the Voice of America, UNN reports.

The Security Council member states, especially the permanent members, continue to hold the position that the Russian Federation is a full and legitimate member of the Security Council. They allow the Russian Federation to use the veto. They are not ready not only to take practical steps to deprive the Russian Federation of all its powers, but they are not even ready to start a political discussion about it,

- Kislitsa said.


According to According to him, the UN is in a deep crisis not only because the Security Council is helpless when it comes to measures to stop the war in Ukraine and to curb the aggressor. The UN is in a deep crisis also because one of its main functions - peacekeeping - is no longer working in the way it used to the way it did ten years ago.

He also noted that new forms and approaches to how the UN will support peace in the future should be sought.

This should have been the subject of discussion at the Future Summit in September 24. It was supposed to be a landmark event for the purpose of determining how the world will respond to major challenges. Unfortunately, I cannot say that there is any reason to believe that the summit will be successful. There is a threat that it will become another typical event that will result in no declaration that will not lead to substantive changes in the activities of this organization,

- the diplomat said.


During During an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in Ukraine, which held late on Friday evening, December 29, UN Assistant Secretary-General Mohamed Hari condemned Russia's attack on Ukraine.

Британія в Радбезі ООН: в загибелі росіян у Бєлгороді винен передусім путін31.12.23, 10:26

Olga Rozgon



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