
Ukrainian MPs to develop a comprehensive law on military mobilization

 • 34416 переглядiв

MPs are developing a comprehensive draft law that will address the issues of mobilization and demobilization of the military. This was announced on Wednesday, November 22, during a telethon, said the chairman of the Servant of the People faction, David Arakhamia, reports UNN.

Recently, a lot of information has been published about improving of the mobilization and demobilization procedures. Some of it is just someone's ideas, without consulting the military. Some are notes from discussions that are constantly taking place in the National Security Committee. To stop this flurry, I have to open up a little bit to stop this barrage, I have to lift the veil a little bit on what we are discussing at the Committee

he said.

Arakhamia pointed out that the draft law will answer the following questions:

  • what to do with people who have been fighting for two years without rotation
  • why disabled people of groups 1 and 2 cannot be demobilized
  • whether soldiers who have been captured can be demobilized
  • what to do with soldiers with cancer
  • what the draft age should be.

SEE ALSO: Total mobilization is possible in 2024 after the presidential elections in Russia - Danilov

Arakhamia noted that by the end of the year, with the participation of the Defense Ministry and General Staff, it is planned to develop a comprehensive document that should provide answers to all these questions.

Lilia Podolyak



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