
Ukrainian aviation strikes at 13 areas of Russian military concentration over the last day

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The Ukrainian Armed Forces conducted 13 attacks on the enemy's concentration areas, and missile forces destroyed 6 artillery systems and an enemy control center.

Over the past day, the aviation of the Defense Forces struck 13 areas of concentration of enemy personnel, UNN reports with reference to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Over the course of the day, the aviation of the Defense Forces struck 13 areas where enemy personnel were concentrated. Also, air defense destroyed 1 X-59 guided missile .

- the statement said.

According to the General Staff, missile troops hit an area where personnel, weapons and military equipment were concentrated, 6 artillery systems, 3 air defense systems and an enemy control center.

Генштаб про ситуацію на фронті: протягом доби відбулось 56 бойових зіткнень01.01.24, 19:27

Antonina Tumanova



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