
Ukraine's sanctions against Lukoil: Hungary accuses Kyiv of violating the Association Agreement with the EU

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Hungary is holding consultations with the EU over Ukraine's suspension of Lukoil's oil transit. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto called it a violation of the Association Agreement and a threat to energy security.

Budapest is holding consultations with the European Union due to the fact that the transit of Russian Lukoil's oil through Ukraine has been suspended. This was stated by the head of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry Peter Szijjarto, writes Magyar Nemzet, reports UNN.


According to Szijjártó, Ukraine's decision to put Lukoil on its sanctions list, which led to the suspension of oil transit, “fundamentally threatens the security of energy supply to Hungary and Slovakia.

This is an unacceptable step on the part of Ukraine, a country that wants to be a member of the European Union, which by one decision puts the supply of oil to two EU member states at fundamental risk. This decision by Ukraine is a clear violation of the Association Agreement

- the Hungarian official said. 

Словацький прем'єр Фіцо розкритикував санкції України проти "лукойлу"21.07.24, 10:41

The Hungarian foreign minister explained that in such cases, EU countries can immediately initiate a consultation procedure, where the European Commission should represent the affected member state, and in the future the case may go to arbitration.

He noted that the case is currently still at the consultation stage, without giving any further details.


Slovakia and Hungary announcedthat they have stopped receiving oil from their key supplier Lukoil after Ukraine imposed a ban on the transit of the Russian energy company's resources through its territory in June.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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