
Ukraine digitizes data on men of conscription age - Ministry of Defense

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Data on men of conscription age who can be called up for mobilization have been digitized in all 24 regions of Ukraine and Kyiv.

As of today, data on men of conscription age who can be included in the mobilization have been digitized in all 24 regions of Ukraine and Kyiv. This was announced by Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine Ivan Havryliuk during a speech at a meeting of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities with the participation of the President of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The Ministry of Defense has relaunched the Oberih electronic system, which provides digital data management at all stages of the mobilization campaign for each individual entity.

The system is integrated with the State Tax Service, the Ministry of Justice, the State Border Guard Service, the Ministry of Education, the State Migration Service, and the Judicial Administration.

Ще 22 рекрутингові центри відкриються в Україні до кінця липня13.04.24, 21:14

In particular, 23 million requests were made to update citizens' data. As of today, data on men of conscription age who may be called up for mobilization have been digitized in all 24 regions of Ukraine and Kyiv.

"Most regions have successfully set up the process of entering data on the status of passing the VLC commissions. However, in order to ensure even greater efficiency and transparency, we plan to increase the capacity of the teams working in the MCCs and JVs and digitize the entire process of mobilization campaign for every citizen. Our goal is to ensure transparency and efficiency of every step of this important process, to enable every citizen to fulfill their duty to defend their homeland," Havryliuk emphasized.

У Міноборони повідомили, коли розпочнеться повторний медогляд обмежено придатних13.04.24, 20:58

Antonina Tumanova



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