
Ukraine confirms agreement with Bulgaria on agricultural exports: busines can apply for licenses

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Ukraine and Bulgaria signed an agreement on the export of key agricultural products, including rapeseed, corn, wheat, and sunflower, allowing Ukrainian exporters to apply for licenses after the restrictions imposed by Bulgaria were eased.

Ukraine has agreed with Bulgaria on the procedure for exporting four types of agricultural products - rapeseed, corn, wheat and sunflower. The Bulgarian government has lifted the relevant restrictions. Exporters can start applying for the relevant licenses. This was reported on Tuesday by the Ministry of Economy, UNN reports.

The governments of Ukraine and Bulgaria have agreed on the procedure for exporting certain types of agricultural products. In particular, the procedure for applying the procedure for verifying the export of four crops to Bulgaria - rapeseed, corn, wheat and sunflower - was agreed upon, 

the Ministry of Economy reported.


This regime reportedly provides for issuing licenses after bilateral consultations with the country to which the exports will be made. The parties also agreed to closely monitor the movement of agricultural products.

"This is very important to support the Ukrainian economy right now, when some of the traditional routes for Ukrainian exports are blocked. The government is ready to continue working with the EU to fully regulate the export of domestic agricultural products through the territory of neighboring countries," said Yulia Svyrydenko, First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economy of Ukraine.

According to government officials, domestic exporters can start applying for the relevant licenses. 

"Now it is important for us to use all the opportunities for exporting agricultural products, now we have another one. The Bulgarian government has lifted restrictions and supported our action plan to verify and approve the export of certain types of agricultural products. Finally, all technical issues between our countries have been agreed upon and the Ukrainian government can start accepting applications from exporters," emphasized Mykola Solsky, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

As a reminder,

the Bulgarian government reportedthat Ukraine and Bulgaria have agreed on a regime of licensing agricultural products.

Julia Shramko



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