
They have the same passports as the occupiers who are killing Ukrainians: Poor concerned about allowing representatives of aggressor country to participate in Olympics

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The Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Matviy Bidnyi opposes the participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes under a "neutral" flag in the Olympic Games. He believes that renouncing Russian citizenship is the only way for athletes to demonstrate true neutrality.

Ukraine respects the principle of neutrality, but "neutrality" is only possible in peacetime. When there is a war, and one nation with its passports kills another nation, then "neutrality" becomes irresponsible. This was emphasized by the head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Matviy  Bidnyi, in an interview with France PresseUNN informs.


Bidnyi expressed concern about the idea of allowing representatives of aggressor countries to participate in the 2024 Olympic Games, which was expressed at the Olympic Summit in Lausanne on December 5. 

He noted that such a move creates the impression that the International Olympic Committee (IOC) "does not want to demonstrate the necessary leadership in the cause of Olympic justice and fairness". 

The IOC has not yet made a final decision on whether athletes from Russia and Belarus will be allowed to participate in the Olympics in a "neutral" status.  

The head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports expressed hope that the IOC would act responsibly and prohibit representatives of Russia and Belarus from hiding under the banner of "neutrality." 

"As President Volodymyr Zelenskyy aptly put it: "Obviously, any neutral flag of Russian athletes is stained with blood," Matvey Bidnyi quoted the President of Ukraine as saying. 

"We are counting on a responsible decision and leadership of the IOC, which will not allow Russia to use sport for military propaganda. Even if it is a sport under a "neutral" flag," the head of the Ministry said. 

The head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports reminded that Russia is the only country in the world that has violated the Olympic truce three times (in 2008, 2014 and 2022).  

"They do not respect the fundamental values of Olympism: excellence, respect and friendship. Instead, we respect the principle of neutrality, but "neutrality" is only possible in peacetime. When there is a war, and one nation with its passports kills another nation, then "neutrality" becomes irresponsible," says Matviy Bidnyi. 

According to the head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, renouncing citizenship of aggressor countries is the only way to prove neutrality:  "Refusing a Russian passport is the only possible way for an athlete today to prove that Olympic excellence is his or her first priority, and the athlete does not take a share of responsibility for the murders of Ukrainians," says Bidnyi. 

He adds that Ukraine welcomes the decision of the IOC Executive Board to allow athletes who previously competed for Russia to change their citizenship.  Matvey Bidny argues that Russian athletes are very close to the front, even if they are not directly connected to the military. 

"There is a well-known sociological theory that any two people on the planet are separated by only six handshakes," he said. 

"Imagine walking into an arena and standing in front of you is a person who, just a few handshakes away, is a Russian soldier who shot children in Bucha. Just imagine it," emphasizes Matviy Bidnyi. 

The head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports emphasizes that the Russian invasion has caused suffering to all Ukrainians, and has done great harm to the sports community and potential Olympians. 

"We have confirmation that 397 athletes and coaches were killed, including athletes who could have participated in the Olympics, such as shooter Yegor Kigitov or boxer Maxim Galinichev," says Matvey Bidny. 

"As for the sports infrastructure, our losses have already exceeded 500 facilities totaling more than $300 million. They can be restored, but human lives cannot be restored," the head of the Ministry of Youth and Sports informed. 

Ukraine has consistently argued that representatives of aggressor countries should be banned from any international competitions in any status.


Government of Ukraine has adopted a protocol decision to offer Ukrainian athletes to participate only in those qualifying tournaments for the Olympic Games in Paris where there are no Russians. 

Antonina Tumanova



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