
The situation on the battlefield, defense support and Russia's strike on Okhmatdyt: Zelenskyy meets with US Senate delegation led by leaders of both parties

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President Zelenskyy met with a bipartisan U.S. Senate delegation, thanked the U.S. for its support during the Russian invasion, discussed the situation on the battlefield and defense assistance, and awarded Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell the Order of Merit.

In Washington, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with a bipartisan delegation of the US Senate consisting of Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, as well as senators from both parties, UNN reports citing the OP.

The Head of State thanked the President of the United States, both houses of Congress, both parties and the entire American people for their unwavering support for Ukraine during the full-scale Russian invasion. He also noted the bilateral security agreement between Ukraine and the United States signed with Joseph Biden a month ago.

Зеленський провів першу зустріч із новим прем'єром Британії: говорили про застосування Storm Shadow по військових обʼєктах на території рф10.07.24, 21:17

In addition, Zelenskyy spoke about the intensification of Russia's missile terror against Ukrainian cities and critical infrastructure and that a boy who was in intensive care at the time of the Russian occupiers' attack on Okhmatdyt died in the hospital today.

During the meeting, they discussed the situation on the battlefield and defense support from the United States.

The President of Ukraine awarded Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell with the Order of Merit, first class.

"Партнерство між Україною та США є міцним і непохитним": Зеленський подякував Байдену за пріоритет у поставках ППО20.06.24, 19:50

Antonina Tumanova



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