
The situation in the energy sector is under control, there is no need for scheduled power outages - Head of the State Agency for Energy Supervision

 • 11912 переглядiв

Ukraine's energy sector is stable and there is no need for scheduled power outages despite an increase in electricity consumption due to the cold snap, said Ruslan Slobodian, head of the State Energy Supervision Agency.

As the temperature of the air decreases temperature in the power system, there is an increase in electricity consumption. However, the situation is currently under control and there is no need to there is no need for scheduled blackouts. This was stated by the head of the State Energy Supervision Inspectorate Ruslan Slobodian during a telethon, UNN reports citing the government portal.

Indeed, there is an increase in consumption. It is the same as in previous years. This is a seasonal phenomenon. The situation is currently under control, despite the events that have taken place recently, that have been happening in our country recently. In addition, our power system is synchronized with the European one, and we have the opportunity to import electricity if necessary. electricity

- said the head of the State Energy Supervision.

Regarding the use of blackout schedules, Slobodian said, that there is currently no such need.

"The need for to apply them may arise only as a result of significant damage to to electrical equipment from shelling or natural disasters. The schedules are designed to ensure the most equitable distribution of electricity. The experience of of last winter has been taken into account. But we hope that we will not need such schedules," - he said.

SEE ALSO: Information about emergency power outages in Kyiv is untrue - DTEK

The head of the of the Ministry noted that Ukraine had been preparing for possible attacks on energy facilities this winter. In particular, critical facilities were protected.

Another important step in preparing for this winter was the active accumulation of an emergency reserve of electrical equipment. According to him, during the year, a significant amount of electrical equipment was received from our allied countries.

A humanitarian hub is also operating with the support of the Ministry of Energy. A significant amount of equipment has already been used in the frontline areas where constant shelling, noted the head of the State Energy Supervision


Bad weather caused power outages caused power outages in 158 settlements in five regions of Ukraine, emergency crews are working to restore power supply.

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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