
The Rada took into account the assessment of the Council of Europe and its bodies on the rights of national minorities in the laws. This is a requirement on the way to the EU

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The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law on national minorities

Today, the Verkhovna Rada adopted as a basis and as a whole a draft law on amendments to some laws of Ukraine regarding the consideration of the expert assessment of the Council of Europe and its bodies on the rights of national minorities (communities) in certain areas (No. 10288-1), the deputy corps reported on Friday, UNN reports.

The bill No. 10288-1 was adopted to take into account the expert opinion of the Council of Europe and its bodies on the rights of national minorities (communities) in certain areas. This is the version finalized by all factions.  For - 317 (in total). This is also a requirement specified by the European Commission and is important for further European integration,

MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak said in Telegram.

MP Oleksiy Honcharenko wrote in detail about the draft law on Telegram:

- private higher education institutions have the right to freely choose the language of instruction, which is an official language of the EU (teaching one, several or all disciplines, performing individual tasks and conducting control measures), while ensuring that persons studying in such institutions study the state language as a separate discipline;

- in classes (groups) with instruction in languages of national minorities (communities) that are official languages of the European Union, the right to use the language of the respective national minority in the educational process along with the state language is guaranteed;

- persons belonging to national minorities of Ukraine, whose languages are official languages of the European Union, who started receiving general secondary education before September 1, 2018 in the language of the respective national minority until the completion of full general secondary education have the right to continue receiving such education in accordance with the rules that existed before the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Ensuring the Functioning of Ukrainian as the State Language";

- in accordance with the procedure and under the conditions determined by the law on the procedure for exercising the rights of indigenous peoples and national minorities of Ukraine, it is allowed to disseminate election campaign materials in the languages of the respective indigenous peoples, national minorities (communities) of Ukraine and duplicated in the state language;

- the requirement to publish in the state language at least 50% of all titles of book publications published during the relevant calendar year does not apply to publishing products published in the Crimean Tatar language, other languages of indigenous peoples or national minorities of Ukraine at the expense of the state and/or local budgets, as well as to publishing products published in national minority languages that are official languages of the EU;

- persons belonging to national minorities of Ukraine whose languages are official languages of the EU and who exercise the right to study in the respective languages in state, municipal or corporate educational institutions may receive basic secondary education and specialized secondary education in the respective languages of national minorities, with the exception of subjects (integrated courses) related to the study of the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literature and history of Ukraine, as well as the Defense of Ukraine (for specialized secondary education), which are taught in the state language.

- restrictions on national minority languages that are the state (official) language of a state that has been recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as an aggressor state or an occupying state are transferred from the final and transitional provisions of the laws of Ukraine to the body of the documents, and therefore will not have a time frame;

- for television broadcasters that, in addition to broadcasting in the state language, broadcast exclusively in the languages of national minorities of Ukraine, which are official languages of the European Union, in minority languages to which the provisions of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, other than languages of national minorities (communities), apply, which is the state (official) language of the state that has been recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as an aggressor state or occupying state, regardless of the territorial category - programs in the state language should be at least 30% of the total duration of the programs (or parts thereof)."

To recap,

the Verkhovna Rada adopted the draft law on increasing the number of NABU staff (No. 10203-1), which is also a requirement on the way to the EU.  

And the Verkhovna Rada adopted as a whole the draft law on the NACP's ability to check the property of declarants acquired before the civil service (No. 10262).

Thus, on December 8, the Parliament adopted three laws necessary for the EU integration.

Julia Shramko



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