
The military use a different connection: Fitio tells whether the attack on Kyivstar affected the work of the military

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The cyberattack on Kyivstar's network did not affect the military, as they use different methods of communication.

Cyberattack on Kyivstar mobile operator's network did not affect on the work of the military at the front line. This was reported by the head of the of the Land Forces Command, Lieutenant Colonel Volodymyr Fityo during a telethon, UNN reports.

The situation with Kyivstar has no impact on the actions of military personnel. For civilians, there may be some inconvenience, but for the military, it doesn't matter at all

- said Fitio.

He noted that on the front line, the military use other types of communication, and therefore their actions do not depend on mobile operators.

As a reminder

Kyivstar said that due to a technical failure in the network, there were problems with access to mobile communications and the Internet. "Kyivstar explained the large-scale failure as a powerful hacker attack.

Specialists from the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection are investigating the incident with a hacker attack on the network of the mobile operator "Kyivstar, which caused a large-scale outage.

SEE ALSO: SBU opens criminal proceedings over cyberattack on "Kyivstar

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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