
The level of trust of Ukrainians in the telethon "United News" continues to fall - KIIS

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The KIIS emphasized that the balance of trust and distrust is still positive (i.e., more people trust him than distrust him).

The level of trust of Ukrainians in the nationwide telethon "United News" continues to decline and in December 2023 amounted to 43%. This is evidenced by the data of a survey conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) on December 4-10, 2023, UNN reports.


While between May 2022 and October 2023, the share of those who trusted decreased from 69% to 48%, by December 2023, the figure dropped to 43%.

Зросла кількість українців, які вірять, що росія зможе вести війну ще багато років – опитування23.10.23, 13:35 • [views_199320]

At the same time, the share of those who do not trust the telethon has increased to 38% (the remaining 19% have an undecided attitude). At the same time, the KIIS emphasized that the balance of trust and distrust is still positive (i.e., more people trust it than distrust it).

It is important to note that although those who do not trust V. Zelenskyy are much more critical of the telethon, among those who trust V. Zelenskyy, 52% trust the telethon (29% do not trust, 19% have not decided)

- KIIS emphasizes.

Polls show that in all regions, approximately the same number of people (42-44%) trust the United News telethon.


Anton Grushetsky, Executive Director of KIIS, commenting on the results of the study, noted that "a minority of the population now watches television. According to him, viewing of the telethon is not as significant as many people might think. 

He also noted that trust in the Ukrainian media has now significantly decreased in general (from 57% to 29% between December 2022 and December 2023), meaning that there is a general problem with media trust (not just the telethon).

КМІС: українці найбільше вірять Зеленському, Залужному та ЗСУ, натомість критика влади зростає18.12.23, 14:00

In any case, although the indicators of trust in the telethon have decreased, many people still trust it. As we noted in October, with the current level of trust, there is still an optimal opportunity for a less problematic transformation of the telethon into another format that will better meet the information needs of the current situation

- Grushetsky summarized .

For reference

On December 4-10, 2023, KIIS conducted an all-Ukrainian public opinion poll "Omnibus", including a question about trust in the "United News" telethon. Using the method of telephone interviews based on a random sample of mobile phone numbers, 1200 respondents living in all regions of Ukraine (except for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea) were interviewed.

The survey was conducted with adults (aged 18 and older) who were citizens of Ukraine and resided in Ukraine at the time of the survey (within the borders controlled by the Ukrainian authorities until February 24, 2022).

Formally, under normal circumstances, the statistical error of such a sample does not exceed 3.2%.


According to a recent survey, of all the major social networks, YouTube is the most popular among adults in Generation Z.

According to the survey, approximately 59% of Generation Z members aged 18 to 26 consider YouTube somewhat or very trustworthy. 

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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