
The invaders send propagandists to the other side to "brainwash" and recruit new disinformers

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Russia imports " journalists "and creates propaganda networks in the occupied territories, including opening a" journalist's house " in Luhansk to train local collaborators.

The Enemy is forming networks of propagandists in the temporarily occupied territories. Russians import their "journalists" to promote occupation narratives and train new disinformers. This was reported by the Center for National Resistance, writes UNN.


As the Center for National Resistance notes, propaganda is "the foundation of this war".

Therefore, the Russians created a number of fake, allegedly local, media outlets that are subordinate to curators from the Russian Federation. Attempts are also continuing to turn a handful of local collaborators into so-called "journalists".

Then the enemy opens "journalism schools" in the occupied lands, hoping to lure young people who dream of Fame there. In particular, in Luhansk, the enemy opened the so-called "journalist's house", where forums of Russian propagandists are held.

During the "lessons", propagandists brainwash Ukrainians with lectures about the ownership of the occupied lands to the Russian Federation.


The occupiers conduct Information work not only with adults, but also with children. Thus, in the temporarily occupied Melitopol, Russian invaders continue to brainwash Ukrainian schoolchildren, talking about "extremism". 

Read also: not only stereotypes and substitution of concepts: what tools Russian propaganda uses were explained by an expert psychologist of KNIISE using examples

Anna Onishchenko



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