
The growth of crime in the regions of russia bordering Ukraine is being hidden - National Resistance Center

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Due to a spike in crime committed by members of the so-called "svo", russia decided to hide crime statistics in the kursk and belgorod regions.

The russian authorities have classified statistics on the increase in the number of crimes in the districts of kursk and belgorod regions bordering Ukraine. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.

The decision was made due to the fact that in 2023, these regions became leaders in the number of crimes involving weapons committed by the military or former members of the "svo"

- the statement said.

The CNS notes that most of the occupiers' crimes in the temporarily occupied territories are not registered at all, and therefore not investigated.

росіяни збираються шукати в Африці найманців для війни проти України - Центр спротиву25.12.23, 12:49

Anastasia Ryabokon



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