
The government has made changes to involve educational environment officers in strengthening school security

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The Government of Ukraine has amended regulations to provide for the deployment of 500 security police officers to schools to enhance child safety and school security.

The Cabinet of Ministers has introduced changes that will allow the security police to be involved in strengthening the safety of children in Ukrainian educational institutions. This was announced by Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal at a government meeting, UNN reports.

We are introducing changes that will allow us to involve the security police in enhancing security in Ukrainian schools. In the near future, 500 police officers will serve in educational institutions. They will ensure law enforcement, interaction with school administrations, and access control. Together with the creation of safe and comfortable shelters, this is one of the key elements of improving the safety of the educational process. 

- Denys Shmyhal said.


On December 18, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reportedthat 500 educational officers are being selected from among current police officers to start the practical phase of the initiative as soon as possible.

Уряд виділить 40 млрд гривень на підтримку економічної активності та українських виробників у 2024 році22.12.23, 16:12

Anna Onishchenko



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