
The Government extended the simplified procedure for financing security and defense

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The Government of Ukraine has extended the simplified procedures for financing the security and defense sector under martial law, which will allow for amendments to the 2024 budget as needed. The process also involves minimizing documentation to protect confidential information.

The government has adopted a resolution that provides for the continuation of the use of simplified procedures for financing the national security and defense sector for the period of martial law. This was reported by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, UNN reports.


Currently, the key spending units of the security and defense sector have the possibility to adjust their expenditures within the approved amount of budget allocations for 2024. This will be done by amending the budget schedule in accordance with the stated needs of the key spending unit.

It is also allowed to approve by its own decision estimates, plans for the allocation of the general fund of the budget and other separate documents.

In addition, the resolution minimizes the list of documents for the Treasury to make certain payments to the Ministry of Defense to prevent leakage of information, the disclosure of which threatens national security during martial law, and suspends amendments to the passports of budget programs on security and defense expenditures and submission of reports on their implementation to the Ministry of Finance for the period of martial law.

After the termination/lifting of martial law, the relevant procedures will be resumed, the Ministry of Finance said.

Ще низку товарів військового призначення звільнили від ПДВ та мита до 2025 року: які саме22.12.23, 16:30

Anna Onishchenko



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