
The enemy continues to actively attack Avdiivka: during the day, the defense forces repelled 22 attacks, – Shtupun

 • 23171 переглядiв

The enemy intensified its attacks in Tavriyske, conducting 45 combat operations and trying to regain lost ground in Zaporizhzhia. In one day, the defenders destroyed 7 enemy tanks, 13 armored vehicles and almost 500 enemy personnel.

In Tavrichesky in this direction, the enemy continues to actively attack, and also tries to repel lost positions in Zaporizhia. This was stated on the air of the telethon by the speaker joint press center of the Tavrichesky Defense Forces Olexander Shtupun, reports UNN correspondent.

The Enemy continues active ground infantry attacks, sometimes using armored vehicles. Over the past day 45 military clashes were recorded. On the Avdiivka direction during days, 22 attacks were repelled. Now Avdiivka is standing, Avdiivka he fights and the enemy suffers very significant losses, especially in infantry

- said Olexander Shtupun.


Per day on In the Tauride direction, the invaders lost almost 500 people, our soldiers destroyed 7 enemy soldiers tanks and 13 armored vehicles. Over the past day, 4 invaders surrendered to captivity, and over the past 20 days, 60 Russians have surrendered in the operating area of OSU "Tavria". invaders.

Also last during the day, Russian terrorists launched 8 missile strikes, launched 5 airstrikes in the Donetsk region, and almost all of them are the removal of cabs from Su-35 aircraft. in addition, the enemy conducted 648 artillery attacks during the day.

Through hostile actions 10 civilians were injured, including 5 children.


Last day 11 attacks it was recaptured near Novomikhailovka in the Maryinsky direction. Alexander Shtupun noted that the enemy has become more active and is trying to recapture the Lost Ones positions on Zaporozhye. 5 attacks were repulsed near Robotinoye and also 9 attacks northwest of Verbovoye.

Losing positions that the enemy tries to recapture with infantry will suffer losses and leaves

- said the representative.

Read also: SBU blew up a tunnel in Buryatia at night, which the Russian federation uses for military supplies from China – sources

Anastasia Ryabokon



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