
The deputy of the Mirgorod City Council was convicted of receiving a bribe in the amount of 66.7 thousand dollars. from a local farmer

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A deputy of the Mirgorod City Council, a member of the Land Commission, was convicted of receiving illegal benefits in the amount of 66.7 thousand dollars for solving the land issue. About it UNN reports with reference to SAP.

SAPO prosecutors and NABU detectives, with the operational support of the SBU, exposed a deputy of the Mirgorod City Council, a member of the Land Commission, to receive illegal benefits in the amount of 6 66.7 thousand. US за for resolving the land issue 

- the message says.

As it became known UNN from its own sources, we are talking about the deputy of the Mirgorod City Council Mikhail Lavitsky.


It is reported that according to the investigation, the official asked the local farmer to provide an illegal benefit in the amount of 66.7 thousand dollars for assistance in extending the lease of land plots and renting new ones. In particular, the attacker promised to personally vote for the illegal benefit provided and ensure a sufficient number of votes for making the necessary decisions at the meeting of the Land Commission and the session of the city council.

"The deputy was caught on the "hot" at the time of the transfer of funds and detained in accordance with Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The issue of reporting suspicion and choosing a preventive measure is being resolved," SAPO reports.

The criminal offense is qualified under Part 4 of Article 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Read also: the mayor of Sumy was convicted of taking a bribe


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