
The consequences should be eliminated by Monday morning: KCIA on the collapse of the ceiling in the shelter of one of the schools in Kyiv

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Repairs to the ceiling that collapsed in a school shelter in Solomyansky district should be completed by Monday. According to the KCSA, the incident is being investigated and the costs are being covered by non-budgetary funds.

In one of the schools in the capital, where the ceiling collapsed due to a pipe burst, repair work should be completed by Monday, UNN reports with reference to the KCIA.

Currently, the shelter is being inspected and prepared for repair work. The contractor undertakes to eliminate the consequences of the accident by Monday morning. The work will be carried out at extra-budgetary expense

- KIAA said in a message on Telegram.


During the air raid, a heating battery valve was blown off in a school shelter in Solomyansky district. The ceiling in this Armstrong-type shelter is made of lightweight slabs that quickly absorbed water and swelled. As a result of the significant weight gain due to water, a segment of the suspended ceiling collapsed, KMMA explained.

The investigative team is currently establishing the details.

The incident is being investigated by the service.


Timur Tkachenko, Deputy Minister for Strategic Industries of Ukraine, reported after the incident that no one was injured. He also reminded that the shelter had recently been renovated and inspected. "As you can see, safety needs to be approached much more carefully!" - he summarized. 

READ MORE: Preventing children with a dog from entering a shelter during an alarm: KMWA responds to the incident

Anna Onishchenko



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