
The case of the Yahidne concentration camp: the occupiers received the highest sentence in court - 12 years in prison

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15 Russian soldiers received 12-year sentences for holding 368 civilians, including 69 children, as human shields in a cramped basement for a month in the village of Yahidne, Chernihiv region, resulting in the deaths of 10 people.

The Chernihiv District Court sentenced 15 Russian servicemen who committed war crimes against residents of the village of Yahidne in Chernihiv region in March 2022. They held 368 people in a cramped basement for a month, using them as human shields. This is reported by hromadske with reference to the court verdict, UNN reports.


"All accused occupiers received the highest sentence under Article 28 and Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code - 12 years in prison. The sentence will be counted from the day of the actual detention of the convicts," the statement said.

As indicated, the verdict concerns the following 15 Russian soldiers:

- Suwan Siyin-ool;

- Aigarim Mongush;

- The name is Mongush;

- Eres Oorzhak;

- Ariane Hertek;

- Sayan Khomushka;

- Alexey Borisov;

- Buyan Dadar-ool;

- Sholban Dambar-ool;

- Dorju Demir-ool;

- Sine Kenden;

- Vitaliy Mongush;

- Arjan Saai;

- Buyan Dorzhu;

- Amir Kendenov.

По пів квадратного метра на кожного: у КНДІСЕ розповіли про те, як військові рф тримали "на підвалі" жителів Чернігівщині16.07.23, 21:05 • [views_545685]

The investigation found that the Russian military held people in the basement of Yahidne from March 3 to March 31, 2022. For almost a month, 368 victims, including 69 children, were held in the 197-square-meter room. The youngest child was one and a half months old, and the oldest hostage was 93 years old.

In fact, the people held in the basement were used as human shields, as the school building was the "headquarters" of the occupiers, the prosecutor's office noted.

Due to the inhumane conditions of detention - lack of sufficient space, proper sanitary conditions, access to air, food, water - 10 people died.


Experts from the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise conducted a study on the facts of crimes committed by Russians in March 2022 in the village of Yahidne in Chernihiv region. 

"In cooperation with our foreign colleagues, the Institute's experts examined and recorded the situation at the scene in detail. We used 3D scanning and aerial photography of the entire territory of the settlement," said Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.

Anna Murashko



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