
The Cabinet of Ministers has simplified the procedure for granting housing and utility benefits to veterans and their families

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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has simplified the procedure for granting benefits for housing and utility services to war veterans and their families.

The government has simplified the procedure for granting benefits to war veterans and and their family members, the procedure for granting benefits for for housing and communal services. This was reported by the by the press service of the Ministry of Social Policy, UNN reports .

The current legislation stipulates that in order to receive benefits for housing and communal services, the beneficiary must personally apply to the authorized bodies. Because of this, Ukrainian war veterans who participated in hostilities and were on the front line faced the problem of not being able to apply for these benefits because they could not apply for them in person. Consequently, veterans and their family members were unable to use the social guarantees provided by the state,

- the statement said.


The Ministry of Social Policy has developed a resolution that simplifies the process, which was adopted at a meeting of the of the Cabinet of Ministers on December 27. The experimental procedure will start working in 4 months after its adoption.

It is noted that this procedure simplifies the procedure for entering information to the Register of persons entitled to benefits and the appointment of by the Pension Fund of Ukraine for the payment of housing and communal services.


  • if a war veteran (a person with a disability caused by war, a combatant actions, war veteran) cannot apply for housing and utility benefits for housing and communal services, starting from May 2024, their family members will be able to do it for them.
  • instead of two existing separate applications, it will be possible to submit single simplified application - for registration as a beneficiary and for the provision of benefits.
  • the amount of information to be provided for for the purpose of granting benefits will be reduced. The Ministry of Social Policy and the Pension Fund will receive part of the information will receive some information through the exchange and interaction between the information systems of of state bodies.
  • provides for the possibility of submitting a simplified application, in addition to paper, also in electronic form, in particular, through the Diia Portal.


The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine has introduced video identification for receiving a pension, people are encouraged to fill out an an online form on the Pension Fund's web portal and choose a convenient way to of video identification.

Olga Rozgon



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