
"The answer for Dnipro, Odesa, Lviv and Kyiv will not be delayed." Danilov reacts to russia's night attack on Ukraine

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Danilov says that Russian missile attacks are strengthening Ukrainian resistance and hatred of Russia, leaving no chance for negotiations.

Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksiy Danilov claims that russia's massive missile attacks only fuel the ideas of the National Resistance, not push Ukraine to negotiate. This is stated in his post on the page in the social network X, reports UNN.


According to him, the missile strikes of the Russian Federation will have the exact opposite effect than the Kremlin expects, but they will never understand Ukraine. 

The NSDC secretary explained that such attacks will lead to even more hatred for russia and Russians who support the racist regime with animal obedience - they are enemies, forever.

Під час атаки росії на Україну "невідомий об'єкт" залетів у повітряний простір Польщі 29.12.23, 12:30

There is also a growing rejection in society of everything related to russianness - culture, language, traditions. A country that kills children and targets maternity hospitals as "military" targets. 

In addition, Danilov is convinced that after such attacks, Ukrainians will not allow talks and actions towards any compromises with Russia. 

All this is the work of a bunker rat that is digging its own grave with its own hands, having decided to attack Ukraine, which will eventually bury it. <...>
For Dnipro, Odesa, Lviv and Kyiv - the answer will not be long in coming...

- Danilov said.


According to a statement by Ukraine's Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin, at least 16 people have been killed in the largest night attack on Ukraine by russians . Another 97 people were injured, including two children.

At the same time, law enforcement officials emphasize that  debris removal and liquidation of the consequences of the Russian missile attack are ongoing throughout Ukraine, so the number of victims may vary.


The Ukrainian Air Force said that during the enemy attack on Friday, 114 out of 158 air targets - missiles of various types and strike UAVs - were shot down in the skies over Ukraine. 

The Ukrainian Air Force, in cooperation with the Ukrainian Defense Forces, destroyed 27 Shahed-136/131 strike UAVs,  87 X-101/X-555/X-55 cruise missiles.

Ракетна атака на Запоріжжя: кількість поранених зросла до 1229.12.23, 13:25

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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