
Thank you for fighting so hard: Zelensky visits wounded soldiers in Donetsk region

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Zelenskyi visited a military hospital in the Donetsk region, where he presented awards to medics and wounded soldiers and thanked them for their service.

During a trip to Donetsk region, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the advanced surgical team of the 59th military mobile hospital of the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Northern Region, UNN reports citing the Office of the President.

The Head of State got acquainted with the work of the surgical group that receives wounded defenders from the stabilization points of the "Lyman" and "Soledar" operational and tactical groups and provides them with medical assistance.

The President presented the Orders "For Courage" of the III degree and Princess Olga of the III degree to the medical staff of the surgical group.

"Thank you for everything you do, for bringing our boys and girls back to life - our warriors. I wish you health, because your mission requires a lot of strength and health," Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, addressing the military doctors.

The President also spoke to the wounded servicemen undergoing treatment here and presented them with state awards.

"Thank you for fighting so hard. I congratulate you on the holidays. I wish you a speedy recovery. Victories next year!" the Head of State said.

Зеленський приїхав до Авдіївки: деталі візиту29.12.23, 18:53

Antonina Tumanova



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