
Taganrog attacked by drones in Rostov region - rosmedia

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taganrog in the rostov region of russia is being attacked by drones, according to the head of the city administration, andrey fateyev.

The head of the Taganrog administration (Rostov region), Andrey Fateyev, warned the townspeople about a UAV attack. This was reported by the Russian media, UNN reports .

A UAV attack in Taganrog, Rostov region,

- Andrey Fateyev, head of the city administration.


According to local residents, this is the fourth time the siren has been sounded in the city.


According to local governor Vasily Golubev, on March 9, Russian air defense repelled a "massive drone attack" on Taganrog, with no reported casualties or damage, while one Ukrainian drone was shot down over Kursk.

Olga Rozgon



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