
Shmyhal announces submission of the approved Ukraine Facility plan to the European Commission

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Ukraine is going to submit to the EU the approved plan of the Ukraine Facility, the approval of which by the European Commission will give Ukraine access to 50 billion euros for 4 years

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal has announced that the government has approved the Ukraine Facility plan for submission to the European Commission, which will open access to a financial resource of 50 billion euros for 4 years. He said this in a speech at a government meeting, UNN reports.

Today we approve the draft Ukraine Facility Plan for submission to the European Commission

- Shmyhal said.

According to him, a huge amount of work has been done to create it together with business, the public sector, MPs, and regions. "We currently have current developments, to which the European Commission will provide its comments and suggestions," he said.

"We will have the final terms of the program after the approval of the Ukraine Facility regulations by the European Council, which is scheduled to meet on February 1, 2024," the Prime Minister said.

"The European Commission's approval of the final version of the plan will give Ukraine access to a financial resource of EUR 50 billion for 4 years, of which EUR 39 billion will be used to ensure macro-financial stability," Shmyhal said.

He thanked the European partners for such a powerful support tool and said that "we expect to be able to use it as soon as possible."

ЄС схвалить рішення про виділення 50 млрд євро для України і без Угорщини - Кулеба 26.12.23, 11:39

Julia Shramko



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