
Scholz explained the need for further support for Ukraine in his Easter address

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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz confirmed that Germany supports Ukraine in its struggle for a just peace, considering it crucial for European security.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the occasion of the Easter holidays once again confirmed Germany's support for Ukraine and justified it with German security interests, reports UNN citing Die Welt.

"A world without freedom means oppression. There can be no peace without justice. That is why we support Ukraine in its struggle for a just peace - as long as it is necessary," Scholz said.

Scholz emphasized that Ukraine's support was "also for us, for our security.

"For many decades, peace in Europe has been based on a very important principle: borders cannot be moved by force. Never again!" Vladimir Putin's Russia has violated this principle. But it is in our hands to make this principle valid again," the chancellor said.


Germany will already in the coming days transfer to the AFU 10 thousand shells.

Anna Murashko



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