
Russia's night attack on Kyiv region: debris fell on a private yard, there are damages

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Shrapnel from nighttime shelling damages fence and building in private yard in Kyiv region; head of regional military administration says critical infrastructure not affected

In the Kyiv region, as a result of a nighttime enemy attack in one of the communities, debris fell into the yard of a private house, damaging the fence and the building. This was reported on Monday by Ruslan Kravchenko, the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.

The enemy once again insidiously attacked Kyiv region at night. According to preliminary information, no hits to critical or residential infrastructure were recorded. At the same time, in one of the communities of the region, debris fell into the yard of a private house. The fence and the building were damaged,

Kravchenko wrote on Facebook.

According to him, all operational services are already working on the spot. The consequences of the missile attack are being clarified.

As a reminder

On the night of Monday, December 11, a series of explosions occurred in Kyiv before the air raid was declared. Defense forces destroyed 18 of 18 "shaheds" and 8 of 8 ballistic missilesovernight. In particular, air defense destroyed eight air targets flying in the direction of the capital on a ballistic trajectory.

Four people are injured in the Darnytsia district of Kyiv as a result of rocket fire .

The head of the Darnytsia district, Mykola Kalashnyk, posted a photo of the aftermath of the nighttime rocket attack in the Bortnychi neighborhood.

Julia Shramko



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