
Russia's missile attack on Zaporizhzhya: the number of victims has increased to four

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Four people were killed as a result of a Russian missile strike on Zaporizhzhia, said the head of the regional military administration, Malashko.

The number of victims of the morning enemy rocket attack on Zaporizhzhia has increased to four, said Yuriy Malashko, head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.

So far, 4 people are known to have died. Our sincere condolences to the families and friends...

- Malashko wrote on Telegram.


Two victims of the Russian missile attack on Zaporizhzhia were reported. 

Атака рф на Дніпро: кількість загиблих зросла до 5, понад 20 постраждалих - ОВА29.12.23, 10:49

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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